House Rules
To those who choose to engage with me through the content I post, I’d like to offer these guidelines.
Sometimes I might share something that runs counter to what you believe.
Me sharing this doesn’t mean I dislike, judge, or otherwise look down on anyone who believes differently. To the contrary, it just means I found it interesting enough to share, and trust you to think critically and make up your own mind. I don’t ever want to live in an echo chamber; I value other opinions and the chance to grow together.
Sometimes I might share a quote, song, story, or photo of someone you don’t aren’t especially fond of. That post doesn’t necessarily mean I enjoy every single thing that person says or does, but it does mean I found whatever I shared to be interesting enough to encourage a conversation about it. I really do value your thought-provoking comments so we can both continue learning. After all, if people judged my whole life on one snippet they saw online, that might be like deciding I hate all chocolate after tasting just chocolate-flavored gum (which I find gross). 😉
Being authentic requires vulnerability, so I am surrendering my fears in favor of being true to who I was created to be, cancel-culture be damned.