Twenty-five years ago I woke to the beep-beep-beep of my pre-smart phone alarm. It took less than a half second for me to wake up. This is it! Today is finally the day!
My official due-date had passed uneventfully three days prior. We’d walked the mall for hours, eaten spicy meals, and done all the things the internet tells you will hurry-up a late baby. My OB was in the hospital all day and said he’d help things along a bit. The only obstacle was bed space on the maternity ward.
The alarm signified it was time to call the nurses for approval. I grabbed the cordless phone, dialed the number I had memorized while volunteering at that same desk the previous three months, and waited with eager anticipation.
Ninety seconds later I took in the questioning eyes of the father-to-be and laid back down with the over-dramatic flair of any Daytime Emmy Award winner. No room at the inn. Try again in a few hours.
Well, I might as well get ready for the day, I figured, reflecting on the various baby items strewn throughout our apartment. First up was taking a shower, because who knew when I’d get another one of those? As I walked into the bathroom, however, I realized I really needed to pee. And by really, I mean DEFCON 1 sort of urgency.
“Uh… can you bring me the phone?” I yelled to my husband, waiting only a millisecond before adding, “NOW!”
My call was answered by the same nurse and I explained that I thought my water broke. I could hear her smile as she replied, “Nice try. We really are full except for two triage beds, but we’ll try to get you in later today.”
“No seriously,” I persisted, with a noticeable edge to my voice. “I’m not kidding. I really think this is happening now.”
Her tone switched, at least a little, and she agreed we could head to the hospital for a check. I don’t remember much of the 10-minute drive, except that I was sitting on a beach towel and wearing an enormous grin. Today, we’ll finally meet our daughter face-to-face!
In less than five hours, we did exactly that.
Well, hello
Little baby
Your eyes have never seen the sun
You should know
Little baby
That I am the lucky one
—JJ Heller, “I Get To Be The One”
A quarter-century later and I still marvel at all that she’s brought us over the years. How did this amazing human possibly come from the two of us? 😂
That is clearly only possible because of him—the Creator God.
Know that the Lord , he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
—Psalm 100:3 (ESV)
All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
—John 1:3
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
—Colossians 1:16 (ESV)
I have carried around this framed photo of the two of us for 24 years. It’s weathered many storms and wears the scars of both water and sun damage.
I recently tried to get the photo itself out of the frame, but found the two were permanently connected. I cannot, as it turns out, remove the one from the other without damaging both.
That sounds about right.
Becoming a mother forever changed me. For his glory and our good.
So today, as we celebrate this momentous birthday, it is with an ocean of emotion that I worship the One who makes it all possible. I praise him for trusting us with this precious gift.
On the mountaintops and in the valleys of parenthood, amidst the tears of sorrow and joy that always coincide with loving someone, thank you Jesus.
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
—Lamentations 3:22-23